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116 West Bellevue Street
Leslie, MI, 49251
United States


Pastors Porch

The Table Is Set


The table is set.

This table stretches on throughout eternity, even into the heavenly realm, that space on the other side of the veil. At this table we can eat, be merry, and interact with all those we wish to invite, those here and those who have gathered on the other side of the veil.

We have traveled through this house, this home within our hearts, within our spirit. 

Here is the secret. 

The table is the point of it all. The table is where we find the spiritual nourishment of God and the truth that, not only is there enough for everyone to be fed, but that we are enough.

All our contemplation, each step of our journey deep into the heart of our home within the heart of God, found in our soul, has been a journey that brings us to this eternal table.

We are called to set this table for everyone who is hungry in the here and now. We are called to share from a place of abundance instead of hording from a place of scarcity. We are called to set this table and invite all to come, have a seat and be fed. We are invited by a God who bids us come and be fed so that you may feed others. 

All of our wisdom and the wisdom of our ancestors leads us to this table where our bodies and spirits can be fed. Too many times in our lives we are fed by other influences that continuously tell us we are not enough. Those influences, wherever they come from, push us away from the central fact of life: We are enough.

Each of us bear the image of God and carry within us that divine spark that was imbued within each of us, even before we were born: The image of the Divine, the Christ.

The point of meditation and contemplation is to remind ourselves that no matter what the world may say, God invites us through constant reminders that we are enough.

This is the place where we remind the injured part of our human spirit that there is a seat for us all at the table of God’s eternal love. We are not required to bring something to this feast. All has been provided, everything has been prepared. We are free to relax, let go, in order to more fully enjoy the presence of God.

Come, pull up a chair, take your place at the eternal table of God’s love.

Come, pull up a chair, take a look around and see all the smiling faces, take in the feast that is set.

Come, pull up a chair, everyone is here, ready to enjoy the meal and the conversation.

Come, pull up a chair, breathe in all the fragrances that surround the table.

Come, pull up a chair, everyone is welcome.

Come, pull up a chair, be nourished in spirit, that we may all become the invitation, hosts at our own dinner table, so that everyone may be fed..

Come, pull up a chair, no one goes away hungry.