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116 West Bellevue Street
Leslie, MI, 49251
United States


Pastors Porch

If Love Be True


A poetic sharing from Michael Young

If the forest is my mother

The river my father

If the tree my brother

The leaf my sister

If the dandelion is my cousin

The grass my auntie

If the lake is my neighbor

The creek my teacher

If the hungry is my father

The stranger my mother

If the thirsty is my brother

The naked my sister

If the sick is my cousin

The prisoner my auntie

If the giver is my neighbor

The receiver my teacher

If the Holy is crying

Creation weeping

If the Holy speaks in love

Creation yearning

If the Holy is divine

Creation smiles

If the Holy is within

Wind blows joy

If the Holy rains grace

Creation blossoms

If Love is our parent

Creation our family

If the Spirit moves among     

Caresses all hearts

How can I deny

The spark in the tree

Humanity in the stranger

Grace in the prisoner

Holy in the hungry

Joy in the naked

Strength in the leaf

Yearning in the river

Teaching in the creek

Neighbor in me

If Love be true

Who am I to deny

The heart of the Divine

Alive in all of creation

If love be true

Who am I

But lover

Of the One who loves

If Love be true

Who am I

But a poet of the spirit

Singer of the song

Teller of the story

If love be true

Who am I

But love alive